Kripalu Yoga and meditation is a physio-psycho-spiritual path. It is on the path of Shaktipat Kundalini Yoga and is practiced through a synthesis of gnana, bhakti, karma: hatha and raja yoga. It is based on astanga (eight-limbed) yoga and adheres to the authentic Hindu/Vedic tradition of Sanatan Dharma, a way/system of life that survives forever/everlasting/eternal spiritual truth, of human culture.

Kripalu Yoga for Beginners

(Dharana- Focused/fixed the mind)

Postures, walking-jogging, breathing, stretching-movements, relaxation-concentration, and general yogic disciplines.

$10 recommended donation/person/session/hour

Kripalu Meditation for Advanced

(Dhyana- Complete concentration of mind)

Postures, breathing-pranayama, moving/still meditation, mudras, sharing spiritual experiences.

$10 recommended donation/person/session/hour

Class Schedule

Mon-Thu:    10am-Noon, 4-5:30pm, 6-8pm

Fri:                4-6pm

Sat:               10am-Noon

Additional/private sessions are available @ $15/hr.

Membership discounts available.

All sessions conducted by Thakor Patel, teacher/disciple of Master Guru Kripalu (Swami Shri Kripalvanandji Maharaj).

In addition to the programs above, special planned programs for invited guests will be announced (lectures, seminars, discourses, rituals, etc.).

    1. Special Two-Day Practice Intensive

    2. With

    3. Acharya Anant Dev

    4. From Kayavarohan, Gujarat, India